Phat to Fabulous!
28 March 2006
Cheeseburger in Paradise? I'm there!
Now I thank all of my friends for their support in my battle to lose the bulge, however I think I might need to specify I am trying to lose weight not my life. My friend, Holly, sends me an IM at work to tell me to look at this site, with a message that says, lets do this! Now, Holly has been losing weight for a while now, too. She moved to Texas and is now going running everyday for her exercise, I think that's great! What in the heezy gives her the idea that I of all people can run a marathon? She says we can do the half! I said, "Half of what?!?!?" Now there are a few things we should note, one IT'S A FREAKING MARATHON! This is not the AIDSWalk or the Al's Walk/Run for Children's Hospital. Do you know how long a marathon is? She says, "I'll get the condo/villa." I said, "Who's going to fly my dead corpse back to Wisconsin when I die from overexertion, because my fat ass decided it was a good idea to try to run a marathon?" Now I will fly to Maui and watch her run, I can scream and yell with the best of them at the starting line and then hop on one of those scooters and follow her with water the whole race. I have bad knees on top of it, I am thinking this just isn't a good idea.
Just to humor myself, I take a closer look at the site and see that there are other options other than just the marathon and the half marathon. There is the "Maui Tacos 5K" I am pretty sure I remember from school that that's a little more than a 3.5 mi run. We're getting better, but yeah no still not happening! However, it does have me wondering when you are done do you get tacos? That might be some incentive. Could I substitute the tacos for a burrito or a quesadilla? Hmm, there's a thought.
Now in perusing the site more, I think I really found the run for me. The "Front Street Mile"!! The name indicates that it is something I should be able to handle only 1 mi and most importantly the description of the route says, "The starting line is opposite 'Cheeseburger in Paradise.'" My kind of race! Holly I will meet you at the burger stand, it is on!
12-week Sexy Body Challenge
So with my recent health kick I have found a few of my friends trying to get on the good foot as well. We have all realized that we are getting too comfortable and its time for a change. My friend/sister, Amaya, has told me that this summer before we head to Caribana, she is dedicating herself to a self proclaimed 12-Week Sexy Body Challenge! She has put together a plan that will include a balance of cardio, weight training, power workouts with a trainer and a calculated food plan! Work it out, girl!
*whining* I want to get Fueled Up, too!
So in talking to Amaya about her 12-week challenge, she tells me to look at this site. Its a company in the DC area that offers premade meals for people that are all based off on nutritional standards, making sure you are eating all the right foods each day to assist you in achieving a healthy lifestyle. They provide you with breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5 days week, plus snacks. How come I live in Milwaukee? We don't have anything like this here! If we do, I don't know about it. There is Dinner by Design, which I have considered doing to make dinnertime at my house easier each night, but nothing that has the specific goal of being nutritional and healthy to assist you in losing weight and staying in shape. I really need to convince my husband to move out there. I miss DC!
Don't let me off of this treadmill until I am skinny!
Terri who once requested that I tell everyone that she is a fat ass, calls me the other day in a rather eager voice and yells, "Its on!" Uh ok, but what? She says, "I am going to my mama's house and hopping on the treadmill and I am not getting off until I am skinny! By the time we get to T.O. I will be so hot you won't know what to do with me!" Well, little does she know, there are some days we don't know what to do with her now, but I am happy to see her enthusiasm. Especially, since she was one of the first ones to yell out a loud and convincing "OH HELL-TO-DA-NAW!" When I suggested playing mas! Yay! They will all come around! She was annoyed after one of those horrific shopping trips where you try to find that perfect pair of jeans to no avail! We've all been there, hopping around in the dressing room like the girl on the verizon commercial, talking about, "What you gone do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk..."
A side note...
In case you haven't notice I have decided to do away with my substitute cursing. I cuss to damn much and I really just didn't feel like doing it anymore. It's my blog and I can do what I want to. If you don't like it, you can kiss me where the sun don't shine.
Don't forget!
Tomorrow is the last day to vote for Phat to Fabulous in mkeonline's Blog of the Week Semifinals. If you haven't done so already, go here and cast a vote, or two, or three, or hell you get my point!
Just to humor myself, I take a closer look at the site and see that there are other options other than just the marathon and the half marathon. There is the "Maui Tacos 5K" I am pretty sure I remember from school that that's a little more than a 3.5 mi run. We're getting better, but yeah no still not happening! However, it does have me wondering when you are done do you get tacos? That might be some incentive. Could I substitute the tacos for a burrito or a quesadilla? Hmm, there's a thought.
Now in perusing the site more, I think I really found the run for me. The "Front Street Mile"!! The name indicates that it is something I should be able to handle only 1 mi and most importantly the description of the route says, "The starting line is opposite 'Cheeseburger in Paradise.'" My kind of race! Holly I will meet you at the burger stand, it is on!
12-week Sexy Body Challenge
So with my recent health kick I have found a few of my friends trying to get on the good foot as well. We have all realized that we are getting too comfortable and its time for a change. My friend/sister, Amaya, has told me that this summer before we head to Caribana, she is dedicating herself to a self proclaimed 12-Week Sexy Body Challenge! She has put together a plan that will include a balance of cardio, weight training, power workouts with a trainer and a calculated food plan! Work it out, girl!
*whining* I want to get Fueled Up, too!
So in talking to Amaya about her 12-week challenge, she tells me to look at this site. Its a company in the DC area that offers premade meals for people that are all based off on nutritional standards, making sure you are eating all the right foods each day to assist you in achieving a healthy lifestyle. They provide you with breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5 days week, plus snacks. How come I live in Milwaukee? We don't have anything like this here! If we do, I don't know about it. There is Dinner by Design, which I have considered doing to make dinnertime at my house easier each night, but nothing that has the specific goal of being nutritional and healthy to assist you in losing weight and staying in shape. I really need to convince my husband to move out there. I miss DC!
Don't let me off of this treadmill until I am skinny!
Terri who once requested that I tell everyone that she is a fat ass, calls me the other day in a rather eager voice and yells, "Its on!" Uh ok, but what? She says, "I am going to my mama's house and hopping on the treadmill and I am not getting off until I am skinny! By the time we get to T.O. I will be so hot you won't know what to do with me!" Well, little does she know, there are some days we don't know what to do with her now, but I am happy to see her enthusiasm. Especially, since she was one of the first ones to yell out a loud and convincing "OH HELL-TO-DA-NAW!" When I suggested playing mas! Yay! They will all come around! She was annoyed after one of those horrific shopping trips where you try to find that perfect pair of jeans to no avail! We've all been there, hopping around in the dressing room like the girl on the verizon commercial, talking about, "What you gone do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk..."
A side note...
In case you haven't notice I have decided to do away with my substitute cursing. I cuss to damn much and I really just didn't feel like doing it anymore. It's my blog and I can do what I want to. If you don't like it, you can kiss me where the sun don't shine.
Don't forget!
Tomorrow is the last day to vote for Phat to Fabulous in mkeonline's Blog of the Week Semifinals. If you haven't done so already, go here and cast a vote, or two, or three, or hell you get my point!
Today's Quote (Thanks Amy!):

After starting a new diet I altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery. I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and as I approached, there in the window were a host of goodies. I felt this was no accident, so I prayed ... "Lord, it's up to you, if you want me to have any of those delicious goodies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery." And sure enough, on the eighth time around the block, there it was! God is so Good!
BBBWWAAHAA HAA!!!!!! the first thing i noticed on that site was the word TACOS!!!!!! and running is no joke, so i feel you...unless you work up to that, don't even play yourself..but you have time to get to that WORK IT!!!!! and you would deserve TACOS, BURRITOS AND a JUMBO MARGARITA after finishing that! nonetheless, spring is the worst season for me because you realize how much weight you gained during the holidays and winter and that ish ain't cute, so i too am getting back on the lose weight train. i wish i could have my food delivered cuz thats half the battle right there...but i'd rather pay for new spring shoes and clothes instead of meals...which alternatively forces me to learn how to prepare and shop for better stuff. 12 weeks?? thats me time frame too...LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!! (sorry for the long post)
Miss A - See at least I am not the only one drawn to the words that reference food on that page. We will see what happens, I am having a easier time to be convinced of playing mas than I am of running until my legs fall off!
Hey, about the "substitute cussing" -- yeah, I tried to keep it clean on the blog for awhile, but i keep it clean around the kids, I gotta dump it somwhere!
v'ron - that is my decision too, i am a sailor it takes a lot of restraint for me on a daily basis let alone in my blog that i consider my outlet! :)
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