Phat to Fabulous!

17 October 2006

Random bowl of 'ish!

So I haven't really blogged as much as I wanted to, since as soon as I decided to make a valiant effort at making my return, I got tossed into yet another project! Go figure right? Anywho, a lot of things have popped up recently that I wanted to blog about, so today's post is a random hodge-podge of my thoughts, beware I did not take my medication for ADHD before writing this.

Never knew you could get elected for THAT!
So I was getting my daily SI fix when I came across this article. A few things popped into my head. First, did this woman think that this would help or hurt her campaign? Second, did she not think this would become a hot topic? Actually maybe she is smarter than all of us, because by writing such a book 2 or 3 years ago, now she has hit computers everywhere including mine. I would have never known who the heck this woman was nor would I have cared that she was a free spirit back in the 60s screwing anything that had on tight green and gold pants. Sandy might be smarter than we give her credit for on second thought. You think good old Lombardi would have looked a little nicer and smiled more had he gotten in on the action? Just a thought.

SHUT UP and stop whining!
Ok, so I don't listen to talk radio a lot anymore, however occasionally I listen to 620WTMJ since I used to work there. They are a pretty conservative radio station, but its nice to not always hear views that are the same as your own. So I am driving the other day and listening to Charlie Sykes and he is talking about this issue in Minnesota with the cabbies. Now I tend to be a bit sensitive when people say things like "they" should go back to where "they" came from or really snotty-ish Americanized comments. However, in this case I have to agree! To the cabbies in this story I say a hearty American, "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" You come to America, try to push your values on someone else and then get ticked that you make no money? You are kidding right? This was your freaking choice. I don't see the guy at the local corner store getting his panties all in a bunch when he is selling Ray Ray that 40 oz. with a Swisher Sweets. Get off your high horse or get a new freaking job if you don't like what you are supposed to do! In the words of Forrest Gump, "And that's all I have to say about that!"

SHUT UP and stop whining, part deux!
So the cabbies were pitiful and they get no sympathy from me, but the inmates in this story are kidding right? Did they really think that they were going to win a lawsuit complaining about the prison food? And I about died laughing when the sheriff is sitting there talking about how they consulted dieticians on this horrible concoction of a meal. To the inmates I say, "GET A FREAKING GRIP!" You are in jail, not the freaking Four Seasons, you get shit, literally shit, to eat and you are supposed to suck it up and deal with it or here's a bright idea stay out of trouble and don't go to prison. If you don't like the food then maybe you shouldn't have shanked Dee-Bo in Cell Block A and you wouldn't have ended up in the Seg unit in the first place! Boo-freaking-hoo! NEXT!

Open mouth insert foot here!
So I really have no comment on either of these quotes that I found here when I was reading Entertainment News on MSNBC one day. While you read the quotes I will be laughing my ass off...

Wynonna Judd is considering having another child with hubby Roach, or perhaps
adopting one. [My daughter] Grace says, I'd like a black sister or brother she's
around my singers, and most of them are black and I say, Be quiet and do your
homework. But I do think I may adopt, the 42-year-old told Ladies Home

Director Daniel Waters explained why he cast Winona Ryder in
his forthcoming flick Sex and Death 101. I needed a psychopath who was
sweet, warm, and funny and that's basically Winona, Waters told the new issue of
Elle. She's like an Audrey Hepburn that's been dropped off the table and has a
crack in it.
Thank goodness I am not a celebrity, when you have a brain fart and say something stupid there's the media to put it in black and white for you!

In other random celebrity news, why is this considered breaking news? I'm just saying!

Ok I think I am done griping for the moment. I will try to do another update on things with me personally in the next day or so. I just really needed to get some of this off of my chest.

Until next time, holla at ya girl!
posted by Elle Jefe at 10/17/2006 03:17:00 PM


LMAO @ articles....Whew I needed thos laughs because I was at work cracking up

*dead* at prisoners acting like the food should be Four Seasons caliber....Ummm it's PRISON! Stay your ass outta prison if you don't like the food...

So old girl was a 60s "Superhead"....*LOL* Hilarious.

*sigh* at cabbies woory more about getting fucking driving lessons none driving asses

A husband named Roach? *snicker*. damn is adopting blck children the new thing?!

Missed ya humor L :-)

@ L

Girl trust I called ticket master for my damn Justin tickets but no one I worked with was still employed there. Aint that about a bitch?! *sigh* Better luck next time....

10/17/2006 10:02 PM  

All of those articles are off the chain! You are definitely on the team!

People say some of the stupidest things when they forget that their comments are actually seen by a majority of the free world.

As for the cabbie issue, it's sad when people try to impose their beliefs in any respect. And finally as for the football hoe, like you said she is probably crazy like a fox! Last I checked, her book was selling like hotcakes.

I'll be back soon.

10/17/2006 11:16 PM  

@ L

Girl my weekend was crazy I'm trying to get them all in B4 the hubby and kids take over my life

10/18/2006 9:45 PM  

I wanted to smack her for saying that her daughter wanted a black brother or it's a dog or something and she can return it if she don't want it...this is getting out of control...and umm boo you in prison why you eating anyway should be pickin cotton, makin clothes for needy children..and building your own cell.

10/19/2006 11:17 AM  

@tenacious - glad i could brighten your day. from the sounds of it she might have been superhead's role model! lol

@rahman - thanks for stopping through.

@tenacious - hahahah who are you telling! before you know it you will be a old foggy like me! lol

@honey - lmao @why you eating anyway!

10/19/2006 2:56 PM  

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