Phat to Fabulous!

24 May 2006

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

So last night was the showdown between Katherine McPhee of Los Angeles and Taylor Hicks of Birmingham. And I realized as I watched the show on TiVo, that I really don't care anymore who wins. The folks I really liked on the show, Paris and Elliot, are gone, so who cares. For some reason Katherine McPhee has annoyed me since the beginning, I don't know what it is. I will say that her rendition of "Over the Rainbow" was really good, both last night and when she did it before, but I still don't like her. For as much as I like Taylor, I just don't think he is all that "pop"-y. As for last night's performances, I was honestly bored. Katherine started off the show with "Black Horse and Cherry Tree." First, they keep saying this song was in the Top 40 Billboard, now I am a music hound and I listen to a lot of stuff and I had never heard this song before she sang it. While I was glad that she wasn't bouncing around on her knees like when she sang the song before, I will say I just wanted to tell her to sit her ass down! She was just working on my nerves. After that Taylor came out and rocked "Living for the City." I really liked his performance. After that the show kind of went down hill for me. The last original song that each of them did was horrible. I don't think those songs helped either of them. They should have let Tamayra Gray keep writing her song worked for Fantasia. Oh well. We shall see tonight what happens. I think everyone is kind of assuming Taylor will when, but hell who knows. Tonight is the big 2 hour finale where everyone comes back. A little birdie told me that Paris is going to be singing with Milwaukee's own, Al Jarreau. That should be interesting, I am looking forward to that.

Kids say the darndest things...
So this morning before work I went to the grocery store, because we needed stuff for Jordan's lunches. I was planning on going last night, but by the time we left J's soccer game I just wanted to get home and eat and get in the bed. So when I was on my way home from the grocery store, I had a hilarious text message conversation with the husband, check it out...

Him: Kennedy said u were mad at me!
Me: hahahahahaha why'd she say that?
Him: I don't know then she proceeded to tell me to get out.

I was in the car dying laughing. Not sure why the two-year old thought I was mad at daddy, but she was serious. Apparently she just didn't like him this morning, because when I made it back from the grocery store, I hear her say, "Daddy no more playing football!" I laughed and asked her why? She said, "Daddy too many ow-wies!" Apparently, she has heard and or seen all of her daddy's ailments ever since he started playing football with this team and she is concerned that his injuries might infringe on her abilities to play rough with him. That child is a mess.

Google Search of the day!
Today's winner is the person from Yakima, WA who searched to find "When you hate an entire country of people" and was lead to this and took a peak at this. I hope they enjoyed and if nothing got a good chuckle. The old faithful search for hoes is still kicking strong, however it has now apparently reached overseas as someone from the UK was searching for "Cuban Hoes" when they came upon my page today. I hope they enjoyed what they found!

All I did was asked a question...
So I have been considering going back to the evil Double W's, Weight Watchers for those of you that don't know what that is. I am horrible with eating and when I did WW before I was good at keeping track of my food and I liked some of the ideas I got from other people when I went. It can't hurt right? The last time I did WW was before I got pregnant with Thing 2 and I lost about 30 lbs doing it. Then one day I realized, hold up, we are trying to have another kid, why am I wasting my time and money working so hard to lose weight when I am going to gain it all back anyway? So I stopped going. I have considered going back for sometime now but there aren't enough hours in the day. So happened to ask one of the ladies at my job that is familiar with the Weight Watchers at Work program we used to do at another location. I asked her if they were considering doing one at the new office, her response "Oh, do yoooouuuuu want to do it, I will back you up and give you whatever support you need." How the heck did me asking a question turn into me volunteering myself for some mess? See next time I am just going to keep my daggone mouth shut!

I dipped on Sandeep!
So yesterday as I was leaving work, I was walking down the hall away from my cube when I saw the lurker with laptop in hand. Fortunately for me, someone had stopped him and he was having a conversation, I just waved and kept on walking. I know his ass was probably coming to my desk, I hadn't seen him in at least a day, he probably needed a fix. I am going to find out where he sits and superglue his laptop to his docking station so he can't remove it. Maybe then he would stop showing up at my desk with it under his arm.

I'm out, holla at ya girl!

Pic of the day:
posted by Elle Jefe at 5/24/2006 01:43:00 PM


lol@that pic of the American Idol finalists. That looks like a daughter taking a pic with her dad for Father's Day.

lol@you duckin and dodgin sandeep.

5/24/2006 3:36 PM  

I can't believe you called your kid "Thing 2". That's awesome.

LOVE the little comic at the end! You always crack me up!

5/24/2006 6:47 PM  

@liquor - i thought the same thing about that pic when i first saw it! lol

@truly - i have thing 1(jordan), thing 2(kennedy)and the cat in the hat himself(my husband)

@chris - my child is a ham there is always a tale of something that child has gotten into.

5/25/2006 9:55 AM  

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