Phat to Fabulous!

06 April 2006


So today has been interesting. I woke up this morning and I was on my way to hop in the shower when my phone rings. Its the nanny she's sick! Great! Fortunately, my boss and a few other folks on my team are out of the office today, so I am like oh well, no biggie I will just work from home. Working from home is trying to say the least when you have a 2 year old who is undecided as to whether she wants to watch freaking Barney - I HATE THAT DAMN DINOSAUR, the "Fuckas", Move It Move It (Madagascar) or Robots! It was so relieving that she finally went down for a nap! If she hadn't there was a chance I might have lost it for real! PRAY FOR ME PLEASE!

So as I sat here today I realized its April! When did that happen? It seems like just the other day it was a cold and snowy December day...what? Oh yeah this is Wisconsin it probably was snowing and cold outside, just kidding we had a heat wave it was 56 yesterday! But for real, how did it get to be 1/3 of the way through the year already. More importantly, this means my birthday is coming up! I am going to be twenty-*cough* I can do this...I am going to be twenty-*sneeze*....ok for real though, I am going to be on the 3rd anniversary of my 25th birthday! Time to plan the festivities! Friends, get your pockets right, I might not like the number, but I am always going to celebrate my "anniversary!" I am thinking we need to make this a whole weekend celebration? I will have to give this some thought. Ideas, anyone?

I am about to go wake up the little diva and go get the big diva so that we might be able to make it to the gym. The hubby has football practice tonight, so its just me and the girls! I will try to get another post up tonight. Until then...holla at ya girl!

Today's Quote:
Exercising. You will probably just break your ankle or twist your knee. You have to be in shape to get into shape - it's a no win situation, like so many others.
~ Jimmy Fallon
posted by Elle Jefe at 4/06/2006 03:48:00 PM


Get out that Sarah Vaughn at Mr Kelly's cd...and everything will a lot better. Teach the Little Divas and the Big Diva some of the songs too.

4/07/2006 1:11 AM  

I'm still crackin up with the "Fuckas"!

4/07/2006 9:07 AM  

@d - i still have yet to find mr. kelly's i know i have it, i guess i just haven't dug deep enough yet. i did find some old coltrane in the process so, it hasn't been a pointless task! thanks for making me dig!

@khalli 88 - don't worry bruh, light skinned-ed dudes are coming back in style! lol

@sylvia - girl she was calling the kids that in the kids room at the gym the other day, i was just waiting for another parent to have a heart attack!

4/07/2006 9:09 AM  

Haha...don't let the toddlers get you down, Miss.

Hope the Barney tapes do the trick!

4/07/2006 9:22 AM  

@theidlereceptionist - seriously, yesterday gave me a new appreciation for the nanny. i don't know how she does it, and to think i only have my 1 she usually has my friend's 1 plus her own 3 mos. old! that woman is a Saint....and i hope she never ever gets sick again!!

4/07/2006 10:37 AM  

@shenehneh - I am not looking forward to answering that I am in my 30s! My husband is depressed that he turned 29 this year! Next year I will take so much pride in telling people that I am in my 20s and he is in his 30s! Thanks for playing along with the tag, I will stop by and check it out!

4/07/2006 2:36 PM  

Look! Ya'll need to stop all of that ying Yang! Turning is not as horrible as society wants you to believe. It (could be) roughly a third of your life not the end of it. Unless you plan to die at 31 which....

I don't know about you, but I plan to be here a while, God willing. If you plan your life around what you do before 30, you don't plan to have much of a life. Let that go, people. Let it go. Sorry, that bothers me. People put WAY to much stock in lunacy.

And I'm 32 should it matter.

4/08/2006 12:25 AM  

By the way, L.If I don't holla at you, Happy Birthday.

All else, be proud that you can add another digit to your age. you'll appreciate it more when you finally do get old. My grandma (94) told me that. Well, she would have because that's the kind of person she was. :)

4/08/2006 12:41 AM  

@Rodney - Of course, someone as old as you would say that! jk...don't go get sensitive on me. :) no i am not as traumatized as i play, i actually look forward to the 30s, hopefully by then i will be full out fabulous! thanks for the early bday wishes, i am sure i will remind plenty of times of it between now and the end of the month!!

4/08/2006 8:40 AM  

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